Meeting Notes - March 22, 2012

Location: Admin #109

Time: 3:00 – 5:00 pm

College Mission Statement

 De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning environment that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character and abilities; to realize their goals; and to be socially responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world.

 De Anza College fulfills its mission by engaging students in creative work that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes contained within the college's Institutional Core Competencies: •Communication and expression •Information literacy •Physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility •Global, cultural, social and environmental awareness •Critical thinking

Members:  S. Agrawal, K. Chow, S. Cook, G. Durham, C. Espinosa-Pieb, K. Glapion, R. Hansen, T. Hunter, L. Jeanpierre, L. Jenkins, R. Kazempour, A. Khanna, C. Lee-Wheat, V. Marquez, F. Milonas, B. Monary, B. Murphy, V. Neal, M. Newell, E. Norte, S. Ramos, A. Ravichandran, R. Schroeder, M. Spatafore, R. Tomaneng
Guests:  G. Anderson, H. Haynes, M. Michaelis, B. Stockwell

I. Approval of Minutes of February 23, 2012

The minutes of February 9 were approved by college council.

II. Governance Handbook

With the collaboration of Bob Stockwell, Virginia Marquez, and Brian Murphy, K. Chow prepared the following draft mission statement for college council, which was subsequently approved.

“College Council is comprised of representatives from constituent groups, bargaining units, and campus governance and advisory groups. Its mission is to make recommendations to and advise the president on college planning and resource allocation decisions.”

V. Marquez presented the Governance Handbook to college council for approval. Following approval, the handbook will be posted on-line and forwarded to the College Planning Committee for annual updates. Despite a couple of outstanding items (FERPBT and former Diversity Advisory Council) the handbook was formally approved. Appreciation was noted for G. Anderson, W. Chenoweth, and J. Haynes for their continuing contributions and J. Ceballos for developing the website.

III. Budget Update

The budget update will become a standing item on the college council agenda. L. Jeanpierre reported “no news is good news.” She commended P. Gibson, C. Lee-Wheat, and J. Couch-Vong for consolidating the Measure C lists for FF&E, which will be voted on by their respective PBTs, forwarding to the Tech Task Force, Campus Budget Team and finally College Council for approval.

The college will launch a last minute effort to increase enrollment for Spring quarter with the intention of increasing FTES for this base year. De Anza College has reached it’s target and is 1% up in WSCH; while Foothill is down 4-5%.

IV. IPBT Program Viability Process

C. Lee-Wheat presented the Draft DA IPBT Program Viability Process to college council for approval. She provided a “walk through” of a flow chart that depicted the program review process. She pointed out the significant junctures where a program could be determined viable or recommended to undergo a viability review. Recommendations for program discontinuance would be brought to College Council. A timeline has not been established but could coincide with Spring program reviews although DASB government recommends a Fall timeline. There has been reluctance to define a date considering the instability of the budget. College Council approved this process which will be posted on the IPBT website.

V. Democracy Commitment Updates

B. Murphy provided an update that 80 member colleges have begun conversations for programming in the Fall to coincide with the national elections. Teams will create a host of activities: debate, dialogue/public forums, videos, voter registration, and to discuss issues of the presidential election. Please forward any ideas to Murphy who will continue discussions with DASB.

VI. Quick News, Burning Issues

. Kudos to V. Neal and the Office of Equity Open House and mini gallery

. 2 student conversations with J. Scott regarding the Student Success Task Force bringing forth amendments to current legislation

. Successful March on March with 10,000 students to Sacramento; De Anza was represented by 300 students. A. Ravichandran would like to schedule another lobbying day with new student government to focus on advocacy, links to the legislative process and tax initiatives.

. SJSU and CSUs discussions about transfer admissions, criteria, economic issues students are facing and how this affects disadvantaged and marginalized students. It was suggested that institutional research work on our own simulations. This announcement was seen by many as a political ploy to limit access, increase fees, and bring attention to November taxation measures. Discussion followed about the difficult conversations academic advisors and students are having about transfer, waitlists for Fall 2013.

. K. Chow is developing a resolution to bring to the March 30 regional meeting prior to the Statewide Academic Senate about SB1440 and a 2-tiered fee system. R. Schroeder and P. Setziol are also preparing a resolution for the State LAO office about PE.

. E. Norte using MCC for campus forums to talk, discuss, and take action about the murder of T. Martin and the “Castle” Doctrine. V. Neal is also wanting to create space for community conversations, to address burn-out, violence, and how we can be compassionate and how we can support each other.

. Veterans Strategy Meeting to address our 380 student veterans, sensitivity of faculty and staff, PTSD awareness. S. Cook requested DASB identify a “welcoming” space for returning student veterans.

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