
There will be four examinations and one final examination.

Each exam has a value of 100 points and the final examination is 200 points.
All exams are to be taken in class. If you miss the exam, then the score of Zero is recorded.
Use the restroom before an exam begins. Once you have begun a quiz/exam you will not be allowed to leave the classroom.

For additional information on the exams, please check this page before each exam

Examination 1

October 11, Date Change
Covers: Chapter 1

Examination 2

October 30:1:30 class
*November 6: 6:30 class - date change
Covers: Sections in Chapter 2, 3, 4 that are on the assignment sheet.

Examination 3

November 27
Covers: Chapter 5

Examination 4

December 6:
Covers: Sections in Chapter 7, 8 that are on the assignment sheet.

Final Examination

Covers: All the chapters on the assignment sheet. Comprehensive
Check this page before the final.
December 11: 1:30 class: 1:45 - 3:45
December 13: 6:30 class: Exam will be passed out at 6:45 pm

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