Extra Credit Assignment 4

Due via e-mail before Monday, March 1st

One to two pages, up to 20 points

This assignment revolves around the visit to the De Anza campus by the renowned scholar, educator and writer Marilyn Chin.

Part I. Read the excerpt from Chin's novel Revenge of the Mooncake Vixen and the interview in Red Wheelbarrow, pages 82-93.

Part II. Ask an informed question when she comes to De Anza on Monday, February 22nd. I suggest asking a question on one of two topics:

  1. The creative work she does on materials from a number of artistic and philosophical traditions.
  2. The political commitments and desires that inform her work, in particular her relationship to movements for social justice for marginalized groups.
Part III. Do a one to two page write-up that you will submit over e-mail. Remember her response to your question, and maybe respond to her response (like a conversation).
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